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This page highlights any changes and additions to the website, as well as any forthcoming Society events.


July 2024 – The papers from the ‘Death, Dying and Dignity’ symposium , held in November 2023 have now been published and can be found via this page.  The Faith Craft list and data base have had an extensive revision and are now up to date, listing over 450 Faith Craft items.

October 2023 – The recording of the 2023 Liddon lecture by The Revd Dr Michael Ward, on C S Lewis and an Anglican Ecumenicist is now available on the Liddon Lecture page.

August 2023 – We are pleased to announce we will be holding another Symposium in November on the theme of of Death, be not proud’ : Dying, Death & Destiny. Details, including how to book can be found here.

March 2023 – We are now offering grants to scholars, as well as Liddon Fund grants. Detail can be found via the menu on the home page.

February 2023 – We regret to report the dealt of Reverend Canon Dr Robert Reiss, a member of the Court of Fellows. His wise council will be much missed. The website of Westminster Abbey has a tribute to him here. Obituaries were published the Daily Telegraph and the Church Times.

November 2020 part 2 – A link to the obituary of Father Anthony Couchman, a former member of the Court, is on the Who’s Who page.  The Faith Craft work page has been updated with a complete copy of the Statures and Crucifixes brochure, and two ‘new to me’ publications ‘Children’s Corner’ and ‘Vestments and Hangings’.

November 2022 – Matthew Fairhurst, who received Liddon Fund grant gave a most interesting short talk at the AGM about his research into Maximus the Confessor. The text is available via the Liddon Fund page.

October 2022 – The recording of the 2022 Liddon lecture by The Revd Dr Charlie Bell, on the Church and the Covid pandemic is now available on the Liddon Lecture page.

December 2021 – Dr Webster’s 2021 Liddon Lecture on Eric Mascall has been published; there is a link on the Liddon lecture page.

November 2021 – Dr Robyn Wrigley-Carr’s Liddon lecture on Evelyn Underhill is available to watch online here.